Hyderabad: CII in partnership with the Government of Telangana has organized the 15th edition of its Flagship Conference on Manufacturing Excellence, with the theme BSmart Manufacturing – New Frontiers, New Opportunities, at Hyderabad today.
The State Government along with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), announced the winners of the Industry Awards 2019 at the Conference. The chief guest at the event was KT Rama Rao, Minister of Industry & Commerce, IT, E&C and Municipal Administration & Urban Development. It also saw attendance by Jayesh Ranjan
IAS, Principal Secretary, Industries & Commerce and IT, E&C Departments, Government of Telangana and D Raju, Chairman – CII Telangana & Managing Director & CEO, Kirby Building Systems & Structures India Pvt Ltd, Ms. Malavika Jaggi, GlobalLinker
This year, the award application was hosted on the State-GlobalLinker$B!G(B platform (ts-msme.globallinker.com), where applicants could participate in 4 categories – Best Financial Performance, Best Innovation Award, Best CSR Performance, Best Employee Practices – hence giving every business a chance at recognition. Businesses could apply for any or all of the 4 award categories, according to fitment.
Jayesh Ranjan announced the winners of the 3rd Industries Awards 2019. This year we saw even more diverse companies apply for the awards, with incredible achievements ranging from innovations in Biotechnology to special-purpose machinery. The government is proud of its achievements and is committed to helping them.
The 15 winners of the third edition of Industries Awards 2019 are BEST FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (Small company) – Aaran 1 Engineering Private Limited; BEST FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (Medium company) – Shri Rajeshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd; BEST INNOVATION AWARD (Micro company) – Beach 4x Private Limited; BEST
INNOVATION AWARD (Small company) – AG Bio Systems Pvt Ltd; BEST INNOVATION AWARD (Medium company) – Bharat Biotech International Limited; BEST CSR
PRACTICES (Small company) – We Care Pest Control; BEST CSR PRACTICES (Medium company) – JK Fenner (India) Limited;
BEST EMPLOYEE PRACTICES (Micro company) – Primark Garments; BEST EMPLOYEE PRACTICES (Small company) – AP LMEC Systems;
BEST EMPLOYEE PRACTICES (Medium company) – JK Fenner (India) Limited; BEST FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (Large company)- Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.; BEST
INNOVATION AWARD (Large company)- Gayam motor works Pvt Ltd., and SGD Pharma India Limited. (NSS)