Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeIndiaAllow Youth Who Cleared Physical to Join Army: Punjab CM

Allow Youth Who Cleared Physical to Join Army: Punjab CM

Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Saturday said the youths who had cleared physical tests in the last two years must be given chance to appear in the written exam for joining the Indian Army, instead of implementing the ‘Agnipath’ scheme.

While reiterating his demand for roll back of the scheme, he, in a statement, said that it is ridiculous that from last two years, thousands of youth have cleared the physical test of armed forces but they have not been called for the written exam.

On the contrary, the NDA government had, in a whimsical move, introduced the ‘Agnipath’ scheme which allows short service of four years to youths in the army sans any pension.

Mann said this is grave injustice with the youth of the country who want to serve their motherland by joining the Indian Army.

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The Chief Minister said the Union government must take back this scheme and allow the youth, who had cleared their physical test in last two years, to sit in the written exam.

He said this will give them a fair chance to join the Indian Army and serve their motherland.



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