Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeIndiaBJP MLA Elected as Deputy Speaker of Goa

BJP MLA Elected as Deputy Speaker of Goa

BJP MLA Joshua De Souza was elected as deputy speaker of the Goa legislative assembly by 24-12 votes on Friday.

Congress MLA Delilah Lobo could get the support of only 12 MLAs. Two MLAs of AAP and one MLA of RGP abstained from voting.

“It is a big responsibility given by the entire house,” Mapusa MLA Joshua De Souza said.

ALSO READ: EC issues certificate of election to Droupadi Murmu

The election for Deputy Speaker was scheduled for July 12, however, Goa Assembly Speaker Ramesh Tawadkar had withdrawn the notification for election to the post of Deputy Speaker prior to that, amid the speculations of Congress MLAs joining BJP.

Deputy Speaker’s post had fallen vacant after BJP MLA Subhash Phal Dessai resigned from the post ahead of cabinet expansion held in April. Phal Dessai is currently Social Welfare Minister.





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