Friday, June 28, 2024
HomeTelanganaCLP Slams Govt Over Skipping Guv’s Address in Budget Session

CLP Slams Govt Over Skipping Guv’s Address in Budget Session

Congress Legislature Party (CLP) has come down against the State government for going ahead without the Governor’s address in the State legislature during the budget session, which is scheduled to commence from Monday.

Speaking to media persons today, CLP leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka said the absence of the Governor’s address was against the spirit of the Constitution. He also said the absence of the Governor’s speech would amount to muzzling the voice of the Opposition parties in the House. He also alleged that the TRS government was planning to hold the Assembly session in a namesake manner.

Speaking to media persons after chairing a meeting of the CLP in the city, Bhatti said it was not proper on the part of the State government to state that the session was not prorogued and added that the non-proroguing of the session for so long by the State government was nothing but mocking of the Indian Constitution.

ALSO READ: Congress urges governor’s intervention

The CLP meeting was attended by the party MLAs, MPs and important party leaders. The meeting discussed about the strategy to be adopted during the budget session of the House besides holding discussions on the issues to be raised during the session.



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