Saturday, June 22, 2024
HomeTelanganaHarish demands apology from newspaper

Harish demands apology from newspaper

Hyderabad: TRS leader and former minister T Harish Rao today condemned as baseless a news item in an English daily that he was set to join the BJP with a tagline of April fool on first day of the month. He expressed serious displeasure at the news item that has gone viral in social media much to his disappointment.

Harish Rao sought an apology from the newspaper and demanded to print it in Tuesday edition in same page. In a twitter, Harish warned the newspaper to tender apology. The newspaper wrote that Harish is set to join the BJP and also gave a tag of April fool on first day of month. This is big example for fake news and media should refrain from publishing such news, he suggested. This type of items will not be encouraged as entire nation was fighting against the fake news, he said. Let it be fake news the newspapers and channels cannot carry them without any base or proof, he added.