A Central government-run Delhi hospital has directed its healthcare workers to continue working even if they are exposed to Covid-positive patients.
“Anyone who is exposed to a positive case of SARS-COV-2 will have to continue working with a tight fitted N-95 mask and maximum possible social distancing, preferably more than one metre, irrespective of degree of exposure”, said the notice issued by Lady Hardinge Medical College and Hospital.
The order added that the healthcare workers must be vigilant towards symptoms of influenza-like illness fever, cough, sore throat, cold, rhinorrhea and shortness of breath.
The circular has advised that the health workers should go for RT-PCR test if such symptoms occur. Depending on their report, continuation of work or isolation will be advised, it added. It said that moderate cases of Covid-19 must be advised home quarantine for seven days, after which they can join duty again without a RT-PCR report.
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“For asymptomatic and mild cases of SARS-COV-2, seven-day strict home quarantine must be advised. After seven days, such Covid cases may break home isolation with tight fitted N-95 mask all the time on their face,” the circular added.
The circular says that these directives are based on the last guidelines issued by the Union Health Ministry and the recent National Centre for Disease Control guidelines.
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