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HomeHyderabadHyderabad: GHMC sets up app to track street light complaints

Hyderabad: GHMC sets up app to track street light complaints

As part of its effort to ensure effective maintenance of street lights throughout the city, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) have set up a specific grievance redressal system.

In order to ensure that concerns related to the LED street lights are addressed in a timely manner, EESL engineers met with city officials at GHMC headquarters to discuss the upkeep of the city’s LED street lights.

EESL said that users of the app can file complaints and also track the progress of their complaints. A complaint may also be sent to [email protected] through email.

Complaints will be received by the Electricity department via e-mail, as well as through the special mobile application and toll-free number.

As soon as a complaint is received, EESL officials replace streetlights if they are not properly maintained or burned out.

They say that this will help them provide better services to city people. Everyone can download the EESL app on their cell phone and lodge complaints about LED light maintenance.

Superintending Engineer Srinivas, EE Mamata, deputy executive engineers, assistant engineers, EESL Package Agency representatives, and others took part in the meeting.

ALSO READ: Hyderabad: GHMC to set up construction & demolition processing unit

Green and environmental-friendly power policy

A green energy and environmental-friendly power policy was adopted by the Hyderabad Civic Council earlier this year. Utilities provided by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) appear to be working well. LED streetlights have helped the Corporation save Rs. 418 crores by replacing traditional streetlights.

A reduction of Rs 86.72 crore and Rs 49.93 crore was recorded between April 2021 and October 2021 in electricity costs.

Labor and maintenance costs are also reduced by Rs. 1,848 crores, while material procurement costs are reduced by Rs. 52 crores. By reducing carbon emissions by 1, 29, 719 tonnes, the project also saved 487.20 million units of energy (MU).









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