Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeIndiaIndia Logs 4,858 New Covid-19 Cases, 18 Deaths

India Logs 4,858 New Covid-19 Cases, 18 Deaths

In the last 24 hours, India logged 4,858 new Covid-19 cases and 18 deaths, the Union Health Ministry said on Monday.

The new fatalities have pushed the nationwide death toll to 5,28,355.

The active caseload rose to 48,027, accounting for 0.11 per cent of the country’s total positive cases.

The recovery of 4,735 patients in the last 24 hours took the cumulative tally to 4,39,62,664. Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 98.71 per cent.

ALSO READ: India Reports 5,747 Fresh Covid Cases, 29 Deaths

Meanwhile, the daily and weekly positivity rates stood at 2.76 per cent and 1.78 per cent, respectively.

Also in the same period, a total of 1,75,935 tests were conducted across the country, increasing the overall tally to over 89.17 crore.

As of Monday morning, India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage exceeded 216.70 crore.

Over 4.08 crore adolescents have been administered with a first dose of Covid-19 jab since the beginning of vaccination drive for this age bracket.







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