Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeCrimeKarnataka Police open fire on knife-wielding person, video goes viral

Karnataka Police open fire on knife-wielding person, video goes viral

A video of Karnataka Police shooting a knife-wielding rowdy in the leg has gone viral on social media. The rowdy, Fazal Bhagavan, was wielding a knife and threatening people in the market area of Kalaburagi city.

The police, which rushed to the spot, were attacked by Fazal, who was wielding a knife dangerously toward the people. The police warned him repeatedly to drop the weapon and surrender.

Fazal did not listen to the warnings and continued creating a scene in the public for more than one hour. Finally, the senior police officer shot him in the leg twice. As he collapsed, the police took him into custody.

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The accused was admitted to a private hospital and administered treatment. The incident took place on Sunday evening in the Chowk Police station limits of Kalaburagi city. The video of the accused wielding the knife was shot by the police, which has gone viral on social media. The police are investigating the case. Further details are awaited.




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