Saturday, June 22, 2024
HomeIndiaLoC firing only at military targets, infiltrators: Indian Army

LoC firing only at military targets, infiltrators: Indian Army

New Delhi: After Pakistan army raised hue and cry over the alleged use of cluster bombs by India on the Line of Control (LoC), the Indian Army claimed that its action is directed only against military targets and infiltrating terrorists.

The Army said Pakistan forces regularly attempt to push terrorists through infiltrations and opens up with a variety f weapons to assist them.

India has taken up these infiltration attempts in numerous meetings at the Directorate of Military Operations level where the “right to respond” is conveyed.

India’s strong rebuttal to Pakistan army came after claims from across the border that New Delhi violated international conventions by using cluster bombs against civilian population.

There were fresh violations of ceasefire across the LoC in the last few days. India retaliated with heavy fire which led to Pakistan summoning the Indian High Commission official to protest shelling that allegedly killed two civilians.

New Delhi maintained that its action is strictly against terrorists and Pakistan army installations which provide cover fire for attempts to enter the Indian side.