Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeCrimeNEET Paper Leak Case: Bihar's EOU Serves Notice to 11 Candidates

NEET Paper Leak Case: Bihar’s EOU Serves Notice to 11 Candidates

The Economic Offences Unit (EOU) of Bihar Police has issued notices to 11 candidates suspected of involvement in the alleged paper leak of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) (UG) 2024. The notices were served after examination mafias were found in possession of the candidates’ names and roll codes. Among the 11 candidates, seven are girls from various districts in Bihar.

The National Testing Agency (NTA), which had previously denied any irregularities in NEET 2024, provided the details of these candidates to the Bihar EOU. The investigation led to the arrest of 13 individuals, including six exam mafias, four candidates, and three parents, all of whom have been jailed.

Acting on information from the arrested individuals, the EOU discovered partially burnt question papers at Learn Play School in Patna’s Ramakrishna Nagar area. The burnt papers matched booklet number 6136488, identical to the NEET (UG) 2024 paper.

Also Read:NEET-UG 2024: 1563 Student’s Grace Marks Cancelled, Centre Tells Supreme Court

Despite three reminders, the NTA has yet to provide the EOU with the original copy of booklet number 6136488, which was requested about a month ago. Statements from the arrested candidates revealed that they received the leaked question paper on May 4, one day before the examination.

Notably, the NEET results, initially scheduled for release on June 14, were announced on June 4. The examination saw 67 candidates scoring perfect marks, and thousands achieving scores over 700. Out of 24 lakh candidates, more than 13 lakh passed the exam.

An unexpected element of the results was the random awarding of grace marks to 1,563 students, which was not mentioned in the official exam notification. The NTA has stated in court that the grace marks will be canceled, requiring these students to retake the exam on June 23. However, the petitioner in the case is not satisfied with just the cancellation of grace marks.

The investigation into the NEET (UG) 2024 paper leak continues, with authorities striving to ensure the integrity of the examination process.

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