Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeWorldPakistan PM Khan Claims Massive Support Outside Parliament Ahead Of No-Confidence Vote

Pakistan PM Khan Claims Massive Support Outside Parliament Ahead Of No-Confidence Vote

Prime Minister Imran Khan is all set to face the no-confidence vote soon. However, he recently made the statement that he’d accumulate 100,000 allies outside the Parliament house on Sunday. Responding to the statement, Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif has approached the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) organization to guarantee the security of each parliamentarian regardless of party association.

Then again, Islamabad’s security level was being raised to red while police commandos had been given to Sharif considering the evolving circumstance.

In the interim, a dissenter MNA from Pakistan Tehreek-I-Insaf (PTI) has charged Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan of making an “Afghanistan-like circumstance” after a sound of the central clergyman got spilled in which he can be heard coordinating bureau individuals and party MPAs to arrange dissent and convey photos of those PTI parliamentarians who had exchanged sides, Dawn detailed.

ALSO READ: Pakistan Security Agencies Report Plot to Assassinate Imran Khan

In a letter addressed to the main chief, representative official (DC) and investigator general of police (IGP) Islamabad, Sharif looked for complete security for all MNAs who might be deciding on Sunday.

“It is your established and legitimate obligation and obligation to guarantee full security/assurance to all MNAs, independent of political connection, when they go to the National Assembly for practicing their entitlement to decide on the goal for a demonstration of general disapproval against the Prime Minister under Article 95(1) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,” Sharif composed.

Meanwhile, PM Khan on Friday said that he has credible information that his life is being threatened. But he is not afraid of it and ready to fight for an “independent and democratic Pakistan”.

In a press conference, he informed that the “establishment” (military) gave him three options – no confidence vote, resignation or early elections.




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