Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeIndiaPriyanka Gandhi cuts short her UP visit, returns to Delhi

Priyanka Gandhi cuts short her UP visit, returns to Delhi

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has cut short her visit and returned to Delhi, a party leader said on Thursday.

Priyanka had arrived in Lucknow on Wednesday to participate in the two-day ‘Nav Sankalp Shivir’ to discuss the strategy for the party’s revival in Uttar Pradesh.

No reasons were cited for her decision to leave early, but sources said that she had returned after she learnt of her mother Sonia Gandhi testing positive for Covid.

ALSO READ: Don’t Lose Hope, Priyanka Tells Party Men

Vice-Chairman, state Congress Media, Pankaj Srivastava, said, “Yes, she has left for New Delhi.”

On being asked whether the meetings would continue on Thursday, Srivastava said, “Our national secretaries are here and it is going on. Except for Priyankaji’s programme nothing has been cancelled.”




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