Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeWorldRailway service suspended amid persistent heavy rain in China

Railway service suspended amid persistent heavy rain in China

Railway authorities in east China’s Jiangxi and Fujian provinces have suspended passenger train service on four railways from Saturday to June 19 in an emergency response to flooding risks brought by lingering rainfall.

According to the China Railway Nanchang Group Co., Ltd., on Saturday, 17 train trips through the provinces will be cancelled as part of the response to flood control, reports Xinhua news agency.

The company said it is closely monitoring potential risks brought by the heavy rainfall along the railways and mobilising staff to guard the risk-prone areas around the clock.

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The Ministry of Water Resources on Friday issued a Level-IV emergency response to flooding in provincial-level regions of Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan and Guizhou from Friday to Sunday. Heavy rain is projected to cause water levels in major rivers, such as the Xijiang and Minjiang Rivers, to surpass warning thresholds.

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