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HomeWorldRussia Strike on Dnipropetrovsk Train Station Kills 15: Zelensky

Russia Strike on Dnipropetrovsk Train Station Kills 15: Zelensky

Russian shelling of the Chaplyne train station in Ukraine’s central Dnipropetrovsk region has killed at least 15 people and wounded some 50 others, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said.

According to initial images from the site, which have not yet been verified, a passenger train was hit, the DPA news agency reported.

“Rescue workers are on the job. Unfortunately, the number of dead may still rise,” Zelensky said by video to the UN Security Council in New York. “This is how we live every day. This is how Russia has been preparing for this UN Security Council meeting.”

Train stations and rail infrastructure have been repeatedly hit during the war, which entered its sixth month on Wednesday. In April, at least 57 died in an attack on the Kramatorsk station.

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Russia attacked neighboring Ukraine on February 24 but after failing to make advances on the capital Kiev, Moscow pulled back to concentrate on taking the separatist-dominated areas in the east and the south of the country.

Still, the war is not leaving any part of the country untouched.

Elsewhere in Dnipropetrovsk, an 11-year-old child was killed by Russian shelling on Wednesday, according to local officials.

Ukrainian authorities earlier Wednesday reported attacks in several locations across the country, including the Khmelnytskyi region in the west and Zhytomyr region in the north.







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