Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeIndiaSaudi Arabia to Decide on Haj Yatra Date: Union Minister

Saudi Arabia to Decide on Haj Yatra Date: Union Minister

Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Tuesday said that it was for the Saudi Arabian government and not the Government of India to decide the date for Haj Yatra.

Responding to a mention during the Zero Hour by Trinamool Congress MP Nadimul Haque, he said that the Haj yatra could not be done for two consecutive years because of the Covid-19 pandemic from other countries, including India.

“We are trying for this year, and the Saudi government has to decide when this pilgrimage will commence. We have all prepared for this year,” he added.

“The Haj yatra is an international journey, and the government will follow what the Saudi Arabian government decides, and how many people will go from India,” Naqvi further said.

He also said that over two lakh people have gone on the Haj Yatra during the Modi government.

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While raising this issue, the Trinamool MP also said that it was believed that this yatra will be commenced this year as the pandemic effects are at the minimum, he also wanted to know when the nine members from the states will be nominated to the newly constituted Haj Committee.

The Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu asked the Minority Affairs Minister to have consultation with Nadimul Haq for other related issues on the Haj Committee.





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