Friday, June 21, 2024
HomeExclusiveSection 144 Imposed at Counting Centers in Hyderabad, Firecracker Banned

Section 144 Imposed at Counting Centers in Hyderabad, Firecracker Banned

In anticipation of the counting and declaration of results for the Lok Sabha elections, stringent security measures have been put in place across Hyderabad. To maintain law and order during this crucial period, Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) has been enforced within a 200-metre radius of all counting centres.

City Police Commissioner K. Sreenivasa Reddy issued the orders, which will be in effect from 6 am on June 4 until 6 am on June 5. This decision aims to prevent any untoward incidents or public disturbances that may arise during the counting process and subsequent announcement of results.

Section 144 grants authorities the power to issue orders in urgent cases of nuisance or apprehended danger. Under this provision, the assembly of five or more persons within the specified radius of the counting centres is strictly prohibited. The enforcement of this section is a preventive measure to curb potential unrest and ensure a smooth and orderly counting process.

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Commissioner Reddy emphasized the importance of these measures, noting that the period following election results can often be volatile, with heightened emotions and the potential for crowd gatherings leading to disturbances. The restriction aims to preclude any mass congregations that could escalate into larger conflicts or disruptions.

In conjunction with the enforcement of Section 144, the Hyderabad Police have also imposed a ban on the bursting of fire crackers in public places. This prohibition is also effective from 6 am on June 4 to 6 am on June 5. Commissioner Reddy highlighted that bursting fireworks or crackers on roads and other public areas is strictly prohibited during this time frame.

The decision to ban fireworks is part of the broader effort to ensure public safety and prevent any incidents that could arise from celebratory or protest activities. The sound of fireworks can often lead to panic or confusion, particularly in a tense post-election environment.

The City Police Commissioner has warned that individuals violating these orders and regulations will face legal consequences. Violators will be liable for prosecution under the Hyderabad City Police Act of 1348. This act provides the police with the authority to enforce law and order and take necessary action against those who disobey public safety regulations.

Commissioner Reddy urged the public to adhere to the orders and cooperate with law enforcement officials to ensure a peaceful and orderly counting process. He also called upon political parties and their supporters to celebrate responsibly and within the confines of the law.

The enforcement of Section 144 and the ban on fire crackers come in the wake of a highly charged election season. The Lok Sabha elections have seen vigorous campaigning, with major political parties vying for seats in one of the world’s largest democratic exercises. The counting of votes marks a critical phase, with the potential for both jubilant celebrations and contentious disputes.

Authorities are particularly cautious given the history of post-election violence and disturbances in various parts of the country. By implementing these measures, the Hyderabad Police aim to preempt any possibility of such incidents occurring in the city.

Reactions to the enforcement of Section 144 and the fireworks ban have been mixed. While some members of the public and political leaders have welcomed the measures as necessary for maintaining peace, others have expressed concerns about the restrictions on assembly and celebration.

Civil society organizations have also weighed in, with some advocating for the right to peaceful assembly and expression, while recognizing the need for precautions to ensure public safety.

As Hyderabad braces for the Lok Sabha election results, the city is under a vigilant security protocol to ensure peace and order. The enforcement of Section 144 and the ban on fireworks are pivotal components of this strategy. City Police Commissioner K. Sreenivasa Reddy’s orders underscore the commitment of the Hyderabad Police to safeguard the public and uphold the democratic process in a secure and orderly manner. The next 24 hours will be Important as the city awaits the outcome of one of the most anticipated elections in recent history.

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