Tuesday, June 25, 2024
HomeTelanganaTelangana to convert government schools to English-medium

Telangana to convert government schools to English-medium

As part of the Mana Ooru-Mana Badi program, Telangana’s minister for transport, Puvvada Ajay Kumar, assured Telangana’s people that government schools would be made equal to corporate schools. The programme was launched in several government schools in Khammam on Saturday.

As part of the initiative, Puvvada said that all the necessary facilities will be made available to transform government schools into fully-fledged English medium schools.

In order to help develop education and health services, the state government has approved more funds. Among the features of the Mana Ooru-Mana Badi welfare program are water facility development, sanitation and repairing of toilets, electrical supply, furniture and painting of walls,” the minister told reporters, further adding that government schools would receive facilities such as compound walls, dining halls, and computing classes.

Furthermore, he stated that the TRS government has spent an astounding Rs 7,289 crores to develop government schools. According to him, 9,123 schools have been constructed with 12 facilities in the first phase. The government has now approved Rs 3,497 crore for the project,” he said.

A total of 426 schools from Khammam were selected for the development under the Mana Ooru-Mana Badi program. “This is a welfare scheme that will benefit students greatly,” he added.

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Hal donates Rs.17 crore. To build a women’s college.

A corporate social responsibility initiative by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) involved a donation of Rs. 17 crore for the construction of a residential college for women from Scheduled Castes at Jagadgirigutta.

The team of HAL officials, including general manager Arun Sarkate, Ramkishore, G. Surender, and Jatinderpal Kaur, handed over the consent letter to Minister for SC Development Koppula Eshwar and Secretary of the Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society Ronald Rose. HAL officials were felicitated on the occasion by Mr Eshwar and Mr Rose.





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