Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeTelanganaTPCC Chief Revanth Reddy Attacks State Center

TPCC Chief Revanth Reddy Attacks State Center

TPCC Chief president Revanth Reddy today attacked state and central governments over the issue of the procurement of paddy from the farmers of Telangana.

Speaking to media persons, he said that they were demanding both State and central governments to provide minimum support prices to the farmers. Targeting Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao he asked the CM if he would hold dharna at Indira park by keeping ACs around him? He asked the CM to visit the paddy fields to fight on behalf of the farmers of the state of visiting the family members of those farmers who committed suicides.

ALSO READ: Revanth Reddy Lashes Out at CM KCR

He asked rival BJP leaders Bandi Sanjay Kumar and Union Minister Kishan Reddy to former prime minister Narendra modi on the issue. He said that the congress party would hold a massive agitation program from November 19 to 23 for the farmers of the state.

He said that the party was giving a deadline till November 23 of this month and added that they would lay siege around the camp office of the CM Pragathi Bhavan if he did not fulfill their demands.





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