Tuesday, June 25, 2024
HomeTelanganaTRS will retain power: Indrakaran ; Other parties’ leaders join TRS

TRS will retain power: Indrakaran ; Other parties’ leaders join TRS

Hyderabad: Leaders from other parties are joining the ruling TRS even as the elections are likely to be held in November for Telangana Assembly. Housing and Endowment Minister A Indrakaran Reddy today said that the four and half years TRS Government has launched several welfare schemes and stood first in the country. Our schemes and programs are ideal at national level as other states are emulating them he claimed.

Welcoming several leaders and workers from other political parties of Nirmal Assembly constituency into the TRS fold at Nirmal, the minister said that they will retain power. The people are happy with the TRS rule and will bless it back to power while the opposition congress will bite dust. The congress has been coming in the way of the development programs and irrigation projects. The early polls are necessitated as the congress continued to stall the growth by moving courts he explained. Keeping this conspiracy against the progress of the new state the people in all districts should vote for the ruling party he said.

Indrakaran Reddy called upon the people to defeat the congress and its grand alliance to be forming in future as they are not committed for development. The people have confidence on the ruling party for rapid development and growth and there is no scope for the congress to win deposits. Leaders who joined the TRS said that they believe the ruling party for welfare and development. We joined the ruling party to support development programs they said. TRS State Secretary Satyanarayana Goud, Youth Leader A Goutham Reddy and Market Committee former Chairman Devender Reddy were present. (NSS)