Tuesday, June 25, 2024
HomeTelanganaTummala woos people for 100 seats

Tummala woos people for 100 seats

Hyderabad: Roads and Buildings Minister Tummala Nageshwar Rao today claimed that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has developed the state at its zenith while other parties failed to do so in 70 years. He conducted a poll campaign at Kusumanchi while 8000 bikers took out a rally in his support and welcomed the minister. Speaking on the occasion, Nageshwar Rao said that irrigation waters will be supplied to farm lands in Khammam district by completing the projects. The TRS during its four and half years of stint has launched several schemes of welfare and praised by the Centre and other states. We have developed the paler segment with the blessings of the chief minister and will develop all the segments in future on retaining power. He asked the people to bless the TRS win 100 seats in the ensuing assembly elections to achieve more growth.

Our programs of development and irrigation projects were appreciated by the Centre he claimed. The opposition who confined to city and towns are now getting back to the villages to woo voters with false promises, he said. However, the people should be cautious and not believe in the promises of the opposition parties he suggested. The TRS leaders are with the people in villages and addressing their problems and resolving the issues from time to time he claimed. (NSS)