Friday, June 28, 2024
HomeWorldUkraine, NATO countries hold naval drills in Black Sea

Ukraine, NATO countries hold naval drills in Black Sea

The Ukrainian Navy held a passing exercise (PASSEX) in the Black Sea with the naval forces of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member states, namely the US, Turkey and Romania, the Defence Ministry in Kiev said in a statement.

The naval drills involved seven vessels, including the island-class patrol boat “Sloviansk” of the Ukrainian Navy and the flagship of the US Sixth Fleet “Mount Whitney”, reports Xinhua news agency.

The P-8 “Poseidon” patrol aircraft and a helicopter of the US Navy also took part in the exercises, which included tactical manoeuvering, signal production training, communication training and other activities.

According to the Defence Ministry, the main goal of the naval drills is to work out the interaction of the multinational tactical group in line with the NATO standards and increase the level of inter-operability between the participating naval forces.

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Another aim of the exercises is to maintain security in the Black Sea, the Ministry said.

Ukraine holds PASSEX naval drills in the Black Sea periodically with NATO members and partner countries to bring the level of its naval forces closer to the alliance’s standards.

In June 2020, Ukraine was granted the status of a partner in the NATO Enhanced Opportunities Program.




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