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Ukraine War: Zelenskyy Suspends Security Chief, Top Prosecutor

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has suspended the head of Ukraine’s spy agency (SBU) and the prosecutor general in the wake of treason cases in the two organisations.

President Zelenskyy on Sunday suspended Ivan Bakanov and Iryna Venediktova. However, the officials are yet to comment on their suspension.

Over 60 former employees were now working against Ukraine in Russian-occupied areas, BBC reported quoting the Ukrainian President.

“Such an array of crimes against the foundations of the national security of the state… pose very serious questions to the relevant heads (of the two organisations),” President Zelenskyy said in a video address late Sunday night.

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On the suspensions, Deputy Head of the President’s Office Andriy Smyrnov said that the President’s decision did not mean the dismissal of officials, Ukrinform reported.

Official checks will be carried out, after which the President will decide whether to file an appropriate motion at the parliament, Andriy Smyrnov said.

President Zelenskyy has assigned temporary duties of the chief of the Security Service of Ukraine to Vasyl Maliuk.



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