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US President Joe Biden To Sign Ambitious Order To Reduce Carbon Emissions Via Cars by 2030

In the latest update, President Joe Biden will be setting a target to have half of all cars sold in the United States by 2030 as zero-emission vehicles. The White House confirmed.

President Joe Biden To Sign Executive Order To Have Zero-Emissions Vehicles By 2030

As per the latest statement released by the White House, President Joe Biden will be signing an Executive Order. The order will set the target that by the year 2030, half of the new vehicles being sold in the US would be zero emissions. It will also include battery-electric, plug-in hybrid, and electric or fuel cell electric vehicles.

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Biden’s plan follows the loosening of many of the environmental regulations and climate protection policies under the Donald Trump administration. The order is to be signed on Thursday. The statement added that this will position America to drive electric vehicles in the future and further outcompete China and tackle the climate crisis at hand.

Meanwhile, three of big American auto manufacturers; Ford, General Motors and Stellantis have earlier expressed their aspirations to achieve 40 to 50 percent of sales of the electric vehicles by 2030.

America’s Largest Unions Have Supported The Move

United Auto Workers (UAW), one of America’s largest unions have supported the move. President of the Union, Ray Curry said that the members of the UAW both current and future are ready to assist in building electric cars and trucks.

“Our members are America’s secret weapon in winning this global race.”

This comes after the International Energy Agency in 2020 released a report that stated around 10 percent of the European car sales are of electric vehicles, they account for less than 2 percent in the states. Meanwhile, Biden also intends to increase the fuel consumption and emission regulations.
Car emissions are the single biggest US contributor to climate change.