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US senators introduce 18-point plan to uncover China for creating a facade of coronavirus

Washington: US have introduced an 18-point plan, presented by the top US senator Thom Tillis, strengthening military ties with India and holding the Chinese government responsible for its “lies, deception, and cover-ups” that led to the global Covid-19 pandemic.

The 18-point plan talks about an immediate approval of USD 20 billion for the funding of the military, and strengthening ties with regional allies, and expanding equipment sales with India, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The major ideas are to move the manufacturing chain unit from China and deepen military-strategic ties with India, Vietnam and Taiwan.

“The Chinese government maliciously covered up and enabled a global pandemic that has caused misery for so many Americans. This is the same regime that locks up its own citizens in labour camps, steals America’s technology and jobs, and threatens the sovereignty of our allies,” said Senator Thom Tillis on Thursday, unveiling his detailed, 18-point plan.

“This is a major wake-up call to the United States and the rest of the free world. My plan of action will hold the Chinese government accountable for lying about COVID-19; sanctioning the Chinese government while protecting America’s economy, public health, and national security,” he said.

The plan talks about making a Pacific Deterrence Initiative and immediately approving the military’s request for USD 20 billion in funding. It also calls for deepening military associations with regional allies and increase the equipment sales to India, Taiwan and Vietnam.

It reads, “Encourage Japan to rebuild its military and offer Japan and South Korea sales of offensive military equipment.”

“Move manufacturing back to the US from China and gradually eliminate our supply chain dependency on China. Stop China from stealing our technology and provide incentives to American companies to regain our technological advantage. Strengthen cybersecurity against Chinese hacks and sabotage,” the plan stated.

“Prevent American taxpayer money from being used by the Chinese government to pay off their debt. Implement the US ban on (Chinese technology company) Huawei and coordinate with our allies to implement similar bans,” it added.

The plan asks for compensations from the Chinese government and imposition of sanctions for hiding the truth regarding the virus and maintaining a terrible human rights record.

The 18-point plan insists the US government to withdraw from the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing by requesting the International Olympics Committee.

“Ensure the independence of the WHO through investigations and reform. Expose and counter China’s predatory debt-trap diplomacy targeting developing countries. Increase intelligence sharing on potential pandemics and lead the creation of a watchdog organization to monitor foreign governments’ handling of deadly viruses,” Tillis said in his suggestions.

The virus which allegedly appeared from the Wuhan city of China has taken nearly 30,08,000 lives. More than a quarter of which has been reported from America. Pressure has been increasing on the President of America to take strict action against China as lawmakers and perception-holders consider China to be responsible for the spread of coronavirus in the world and China yet did nothing to contain it and stop its spread, neither did it warn the rest of the world about its dreadfulness.

Meanwhile, Senator John Barrasso spoke about the need to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) legislation that was put on hold by the coronavirus pandemic, in a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday.

“The virus could have been contained had it not been for the Chinese Government’s unscrupulous cover-up. China knew the risk months before the rest of the world; yet Chinese communist leaders destroyed key evidence, they under-reported the number of coronavirus cases, and they misled the world about its deadly, rapid spread,” he said.

He spoke about China’s irresponsible behavior in controlling the spread of the virus and then continually lying about it.

Barrasso said the US should advice its companies to create American and western supply chains. “That way our frontline workers have what they need in the time of crisis,” he said.

“Not again, not ever will we be exclusively sourced for critical drugs from China. We should diversify supply and bring home as much of our supply chain as possible,” he added.

Congressman Troy Balderson introduced bicameral legislation with Congressman Doug Collins and Senator Lindsey Graham that will hold China accountable for deceptive actions taken by its leaders that led to the spread and subsequent global pandemic.

Furthermore, the recently curated Covid-19 Accountability Act allows Trump to sanction China for its failure in reporting the virus’ severity and creating it. “The number of Ohioan lives needlessly claimed by this pandemic could have been significantly reduced had China taken appropriate measures to control the virus’ spread and disclose its severity,” said Balderson.

“The United States can’t look the other way when China so recklessly compromised worldwide health and the global economy. China and its Communist Party leadership must be held accountable,” he said.