Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeIndiaYS Jagan promises to invest in the future of children

YS Jagan promises to invest in the future of children

Amaravati:  The Chief Minister of the State YS Jaganmohan Reddy today said that he would invest in the future of the children of the state. He said that he had introduced welfare schemes like Amma Vodi, Vidya Deevena, and Vasathi Deevena schemes to invest in the future of the children of the state. He made it clear that the only asset that one can give to the children would be education.

Taking a jibe at those leaders, who are opposed to English medium education,  as to which schools they were sending their children for education. He made these remarks while holding a review program on the education sector of the state as part of the ongoing brainstorming session Our Rule-Your Advice’ held at his camp office.  He held an interactive session with the beneficiaries and experts on the welfare programs of the education sector like Then-Now in schools, English Medium education, Amma Vodi, Jagananan Vidya Kanuka, vasati Deevena, Fee reimbursement scheme. Speaking on the occasion, he said that he found out the problems faced by the students of the state during his marathon padayatra. He said that most of the students would not get text books even by the end of November month every year.

He also added that the most of the school buildings were in shambles and added that there were no bath rooms in the schools. He said that the parents of the children had preferred private schools over government schools due to the poor conditions prevailing at them. He said that they had now transformed all the schools into English medium schools.