The BJP has issued a show-cause notice to Ramesh Bidhuri for using abusive remarks against BSP MP Danish Ali in the Lok Sabha, said party sources. Sources said that on the instructions of party President J.P Nadda, it has issued a show-cause notice to Bidhuri seeking his reply on the incident.
While speaking in Lok Sabha on Thursday during the late-night discussion on the success of Chandrayaan-3 and the achievements of India’s space program, BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri used abusive words against BSP MP Danish Ali.
After the opposition parties created ruckus over the incident, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla expunged Bidhuri’s objectionable remarks from the proceedings of the House, but as the ruckus continued from the opposition parties, Deputy Leader and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh expressed regret over the words of Bidhuri, saying that he has not heard the controversial remarks of Bidhuri but if he has used some words which have hurt the sentiments of the BSP MP, then he expresses regret over it and these words should be removed from the proceedings of the House.”
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On Friday, the opposition parties attacked Bidhuri by sharing the excerpt of his speech given in the Lok Sabha on social media platforms and demanding action against Bidhuri.
Sources in Lok Sabha said that the Speaker has given a stern warning to Bidhuri regarding the abusive words used by him, saying that if he behaves like this again in the House, strict action will be taken against him.
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