Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeWorldAfghanistan: UNSC Strongly Condemns Terrorist Attacks On School, Education Centre In Capital

Afghanistan: UNSC Strongly Condemns Terrorist Attacks On School, Education Centre In Capital

As per the latest reports, the United Nations Security Council has strongly condemned Tuesday’s terrorist attack against a school and education centre in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
As indicated by the statement gave by committee president for the period of April, Barbara Woodward, the gathering individuals denounced “in the most grounded terms” the awful terror attack against the Abdul Rahim-e Shahid High School and Mumtaz Education Center in the Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul, Afghanistan.
The attack, which occurred during the period of Ramadan, brought about a few killed and handfuls harmed, including student. The individuals from the Security Council communicated their most profound compassion and sympathies to the groups of the people in question, and they wished a fast and full recuperation to the individuals who were harmed.
They reaffirmed “the right to schooling for all Afghans and its commitment to the accomplishment of harmony and security.”
They communicated grave worry about the huge ramifications of attacks against schools on the wellbeing of student and their capacity to partake in their right to education, the assertion said.
“The individuals from the Security Council underlined the need to hold culprits, coordinators, agents and backers of these unforgivable demonstrations of terrorists responsible and deal with them. They asked all states, as per their commitments under worldwide regulation and applicable Security Council goals, to collaborate effectively with all pertinent experts in such manner,” the assertion said.
Somewhere around 10 worshipers were killed and more than 40 were injured in a strong blast in a Shia mosque in the northern Afghanistan city of Mazar-e-Sharif on Thursday.
Dr Ghawsuddin Anwari, top of the fundamental clinic in Mazar-e-Sharif, said the dead and injured were gotten ambulances and private vehicles. The blast at the Sai Doken mosque in northern Mazar-e-Sharif happened as scores of admirers stooped in supplication as Muslims mark the heavenly month of Ramzan, the report added.

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