Tuesday, June 18, 2024
HomeIndiaAfter Five Years, One Lane of Kamaraj Road Finally Opens to Motorists

After Five Years, One Lane of Kamaraj Road Finally Opens to Motorists

After a five-year hiatus, motorists breathed a sigh of relief on Friday as the 220-meter stretch of Kamaraj Road, connecting MG Road and Cubbon Road, reopened for traffic in one direction. The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) had closed this vital thoroughfare in June 2019 to facilitate construction of the MG Road Underground Station as part of the Pink Line (Nagawara to Kalena Agrahara). Despite missing several deadlines, the Metro barricades were finally dismantled.

“We opened the road around 10:30 am today Currently, it will function as a one-way route from MG Road towards Cubbon Road. To ensure smooth traffic flow, police officers are stationed at the junction since some signaling equipment still needs to be installed,” stated DCP (Traffic West) Anita B Haddannavar to TNIE. She added that the one-way arrangement will continue until BMRCL completes its work on the other half of the road, which may take some time.

The reopening is expected to alleviate significant congestion on MG Road. Motorists heading to Commercial Street currently need to take a detour, contributing to traffic buildup at Anil Kumble Circle and Trinity Circle due to the road closure.

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BMRCL Managing Director Maheshwar Rao confirmed the development, noting that only one side of the road has been restored for now. Recognizing potential congestion issues, traffic authorities have decided to maintain it as a one-way street. The remaining 12 meters will remain closed for the next 6-9 months as underground station equipment installation continues.

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