A rape accused wanted by the Karnataka Police and against whom an Interpol Red Notice has been issued was brought back from the UAE through the coordinated efforts of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), officials said.
A CBI spokesperson here said that Midhun V. V. Chandran was wanted by Karnataka Police in the case of Mahadevapura Police Station, Bengaluru city for the offenses of rape, criminal intimidation, and other crimes.
“The Global Operations Centre of CBI has coordinated with INTERPOL NCB – Abu Dhabi; Karnataka Police; Embassy of India, Abu Dhabi, Ministry of External Affairs, and the Red Notice subject was returned from UAE to India with a team from Karnataka Police.”
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According to the official, he was earlier geolocated in UAE through a follow-up by CBI. The official said that a Red notice was issued by CBI against him from the Interpol General Secretariat on January 20 this year on a request of Karnataka Police.
“Red notice was circulated to all Interpol member countries for location and arrest of accused,” the official said. The official said that due to close coordination and follow-up with foreign law enforcement agencies via Interpol channels, as many as 26 criminals wanted by Indian law enforcement agencies have been returned from abroad in 2023.
CBI as the National Central Bureau for Interpol in India, coordinates with all law enforcement agencies in India for assistance via Interpol channels.
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