Friday, June 7, 2024
HomeIndiaCM KCR holds meet with ministers after Delhi tour on paddy row

CM KCR holds meet with ministers after Delhi tour on paddy row

Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao held a meeting with a team of ministers, who visited Delhi to urge the Centre to procure paddy from the State.

At Pragati Bhavan, the Chief Minister called the ministers and discussed the response from the Centre on paddy procurement demand.

It may be mentioned that Union Civil Supplies Minister Piyush Goyal said the Centre will procure raw rice from the State. Goyal criticised the State  Government for spreading falsehood on the paddy row. The Union minister alleged that the State government was trying to malign the image of the Centre by misleading farmers.

ALSO READ: Procure entire paddy from Telangana, KCR to PM Modi

The Chief Minister reportedly discussed about Goyal remarks that the Centre will get raw rice from the State. As Goyal said the Centre gives equal priority to all the States and no partisan attitude towards Telangana or other States, the TRS MPs and ministers sought him to get paddy stocks. The CM talked about the response from the Centre and reaction of the BJP leaders on the paddy procurement demand.

The BJP leaders slammed  the State government on paddy issue and sought KCR to get paddy and stop misguiding farmers. KCR already announced to continue protests against the BJP government until it gets paddy from the State. The Chief Minister reportedly told the ministers to continue protests to mount pressure on the Centre.





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