Four Indian students, including two from Hyderabad, tragically lost their lives in a multi-vehicle collision in Texas on Friday afternoon. The victims have been identified as Aryan Raghunath Orampati from Kukatpally, Farooq Sheikh from BHEL, and Lokesh Palacharla and Darshini Vasudevan from Tamil Nadu.
The fatal accident occurred around 3:30 p.m. just past White Street as the four students were traveling to Bentonville. They had coordinated their journey through a carpooling app. Aryan and Sheikh, who lived in Bentonville, were returning home after a visit to Aryan’s relative in Dallas. Lokesh Palacharla was en route to visit his wife, while Darshini Vasudevan, pursuing a Master’s degree at the University of Texas at Arlington, was heading to see her uncle in Bentonville.
The crash, involving approximately five vehicles, was triggered when a speeding truck rear-ended the SUV in which the victims were traveling. The impact was so intense that the SUV caught fire, trapping all occupants inside and preventing them from escaping. Surveillance footage confirmed the severity of the collision and the ensuing fire.
Also Read: Two students from Telangana killed in US road accident
Authorities have reported that the bodies were severely burned, complicating identification efforts. DNA fingerprinting will be used to confirm the identities, with samples being matched against those of the victims’ families.
The families have requested assistance from the Indian government to travel to the United States, complete the necessary formalities, and repatriate the bodies. Aryan’s father, Subhash Chandra Reddy, and the family reside in Kukatpally, Hyderabad, though they originally hail from Rayachoti and have settled in Nizampet, Hyderabad. Aryan had completed his engineering degree at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
Farooq Sheikh, also from Hyderabad, had recently completed his MS degree in the U.S. after moving there three years ago.
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