Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeIndiaGujarat Forest Dept Sends 34 Organs of Scheduled Animals to FSL for...

Gujarat Forest Dept Sends 34 Organs of Scheduled Animals to FSL for Testing

Deesa Range Forest wing has sent 34 seized organs of scheduled animals to the Directorate of Forensic Science laboratory for authenticity testing.

The wing had seized these items from a trader of Deesa.

“Our team had received a specific information that Arjun Modi, a trader dealing with herbal and naturopathy medicines, is also selling parts of the scheduled items. Based on the information, a search was conducted on Friday and 34 items of scheduled animals were seized. He was arrested under the Wildlife protection Act,” Range Forest Officer L. D. Ratda said.

He further disclosed that the team have seized nails and teeth of lions and tigers, feathers of porcupine, intenstines of foxes besides others. He was produced before the Judicial Magistrate First Class which sent him to judicial custody.

The accused has claimed that these all are duplicate organs, were lying in his shops since his grandfather and father’s days. These items are sold to black magician as original organs to make money.

If the FSL confirms that these organs or animal parts are genuine, the team will move an application before the court seeking his remand, and then the investigation will begin from where he procured, who are the sellers and whether he is a member of any interstate gang or not.





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