Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeIndiaI Don’t Have Any Opposition Over the Development of Amaravati : CM...

I Don’t Have Any Opposition Over the Development of Amaravati : CM YS Jagan

Chief Minister Of Andhra Pradesh YS Jaganmohan Reddy today made it clear that he did not have any grudge over the continuation of Amaravati as the state capital and added that his government had taken the decision of the decentralization of the state capitals with an objective to develop all the regions of the state.

He made these remarks while addressing the house after the introduction of restoration of the CRDA act amendment bill in the state assembly. He said that they would come up with a comprehensive bill on the issue.

Speaking on the occasion Jagan reminded the house Kurnool used to be the state capital of Andhra state and added that the high court of the state used to be in the Guntur district of the state. He said that they were supposed to do justice as per the Sribagh agreement.

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He said that the capital and high court were shifted to Hyderabad from Kurnool and Guntur districts in the year 1956. He made it clear his camp office was also located in the state capital Amaravati.

Jagan said that a total of Rs. 2 crores will be needed for providing basic amenities per acre, so for 50,000 acres, nearly Rs. 1 lakh crore has to be spent. He further stated that there is no hatred towards Amaravati and added that he also owns a house in the place.




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