Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeIndiaIndia Pushes Hindi At UN; Contributes Over Rs 6 Crores

India Pushes Hindi At UN; Contributes Over Rs 6 Crores

In the latest update, India has offered over Rs 6 crore to the UN pointed toward advancing and improving the public effort of Hindi on the planet body. India’s Deputy Permanent Representative R. Ravindra gave over a check for the UN project sent off by India in 2018 to spread data about the Hindi-talking population across the world.

In articulation, the UN said that India has been putting forth consistent attempts to grow the utilization of Hindi on the planet body.

“As a component of these endeavors, ‘Hindi@UN’ project, as a team with the UN Department of Public Information was sent off in 2018 with a target to upgrade the public effort of the United Nations in Hindi language, and to spread more noteworthy mindfulness about worldwide issues among a huge number of Hindi-talking individuals all over the planet,” the assertion said.

India has been joining forces with the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) starting around 2018 by giving an extra-monetary commitment to standard and merge news and media content of DGC in Hindi.

ALSO READ: Hindi Language Gets Significant Boost Under PM Modi At Centre, PSUs

Beginning around 2018, the UN News in Hindi has been dispersed through the UN’s site and virtual entertainment handles and an UN Facebook Hindi page, alongside a customary UN News-Hindi sound announcement (UN Radio) is delivered consistently.

Meanwhile, in another update, India on Friday said it remained profoundly worried about the demolishing circumstance in Ukraine and repeated its require a quick discontinuance of viciousness and end to threats.

Pratik Mathur, guide at India’s Permanent Mission to United Nations, “We accept that no arrangement can be shown up at by shedding blood and at the expense of honest lives. We have stressed right from the start of the contention that the way of strategy and discourse ought to be the main suitable choice.”

Mathur, who talked at the Security Council’s Arria-equation meeting on Ukraine, further said India had unequivocally censured the killing of regular citizens in Bucha and upheld the require a free examination concerning the matter.






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