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HomeTelanganaKTR says State on growth path with KCR vision, House adjourned to...

KTR says State on growth path with KCR vision, House adjourned to Tuesday

Assembly Speaker P Srinivas Reddy today adjourned the house for Tuesday after its business of question hour, zero hour followed by clarifications by ministers’ concerned.

The house which began at 10 am has continued till evening with a break for lunch by the members of the house and media. During question hour the ministers gave clarifications and assured of necessary steps on the queries by the members. They include strategic road development, jute mills, reservations in liquor shops, sheep programs, Collectorates in new districts, and others. After the break, the house resumed to debate briefly on the key issues, and later Zero hours continued. Industries and municipal minister KT Rama Rao gave a lengthy reply on various issues. Then the speaker adjourned the house to Tuesday.

Earlier, the IT and Industries Minister explained the measures being taken by KCR Government to get investments and policies being implemented.

ALSO READ: Govt Entered into MoU for Jute Mills Establishment : Minister KTR

Able leadership and stable government get more investments and the state is on growth path, he claimed. Telangana is a favorite destination for divergent sectors like tractor to the helicopter, red bus to electric bus and air bus, tiles to textiles, and apps to apple map. We selected 14 sectors as a priority including IT, electronics, Aerospace, textiles, pharma, defense, life sciences, food processing, and others.

The biggest Pharma cluster is coming up at Muchcherla KT Rama Rao said adding that it will reduce the cost of production and increase productivity. While in combined AP set up industries in 23000 acres, in Telangana we set up industrial parks in 19000 acres in six years. As part of inclusive growth, we expand IT and industries to second-grade cities and towns and aim to create 50000 jobs. Our state is developing in all sectors, with the vision of KCR, KTR said.