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HomeTrendingMagnitude 6.0 quake in Indonesia kills 1, destroys 100 houses

Magnitude 6.0 quake in Indonesia kills 1, destroys 100 houses

At least one person was killed, nine others were injured and more than 100 houses destroyed after a 6.0-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia’s Yogyakarta province, officials said on Saturday.

A statement issued by the provincial disaster management authority said the fatality was reported from the Bantul district, while nine injured were from Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, and Kulon Progo, reports Xinhua news agency.

The earthquake struck at 7.57 p.m. on Friday night, with its epicenter located at 86 km northwest of Bantul and a depth of 25 km under the seabed, the country’s meteorology, climatology, and geophysics agency said.

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The tremors destroyed at least 102 houses at the damage level of minor and moderate in Yogyakarta and the provinces of Central Java and East Java, Abdul Muhari, spokesman of the national disaster management and mitigation agency, said on Saturday.

The tremors also damaged school and office buildings, religious and health facilities, the spokesman said. More than 44 aftershocks followed the main quake.









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