On Tuesday, a man was reportedly electrocuted while cutting the branches of an overgrown tree near his house at Nawab Saheb Kunta in Falaknuma.
The incident occurred when the man identified as Mohd. Akhter was summoned by a neighbor to assist in the cutting and burning of overgrown tree branches. The fire started raging while he was burning the debris, and in an attempt to escape, he came into contact with a live electric wire and died.
In another tragic incident, a woman died from electrocution while attempting to cool herself from the summer heat using an electric air cooler. Arshiya Begum, a 28-year-old native of Bada Bazaar in Golconda, was married to Mohammed Javeed and shared a home with him.
Javeed left the house shortly on Sunday morning to get vegetables. When he returned home, he found his wife unconscious on the ground. In a desperate attempt to save her, Javeed received an electric shock while attempting to pull her. He quickly unplugged the air cooler and lifted Arshiya after recognizing the source of the threat. She was transported to Golconda Area Hospital, where physicians regrettably declared her dead.
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According to Venkateshwarlu, the sub-inspector at Golconda police station, the incident happened while Arshiya was filling the water in the air cooler, causing her to collapse and eventually be electrocuted. The Golconda police have opened a case and begun an inquiry to discover the actual circumstances surrounding the tragedy.
This tragic tragedy serves as a tragic reminder of the possible dangers linked with electrical equipment and the significance of implementing basic safety precautions.
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