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HomeWorldRussian Prez Prepares For Long War In Ukraine: US Intel Warns

Russian Prez Prepares For Long War In Ukraine: US Intel Warns

As per the latest reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning for a long war in Ukraine, with even triumph in the east possibly not finishing the contention, US Intel cautioned.

Overseer of National Intelligence Avril Haines told a US Senate council hearing on Tuesday that Putin was all the while expecting “to accomplish objectives past the Donbas”, yet that he “faces a confusion between his desires and Russia’s ongoing customary military abilities”, the BBC revealed.

She added that the Russian chief was “presumably” depending on US and European Union’s help for Ukraine to debilitate as expansion, food deficiencies and energy costs deteriorated. Notwithstanding, Putin could go to “more exceptional signifies” as the conflict proceeds, in spite of the fact that Moscow would possibly utilize atomic weapons assuming he saw an “existential danger” to Russia, Haines said.

ALSO READ: Kim Jong-un Sends Congratulatory Message To Putin For “Victory Day”

Defense Intelligence Agency Director Scott Berrier told the very hearing that the Russians and the Ukrainians were “at somewhat of an impasse”. In the most recent battling, Ukraine professes to have recovered four settlements in the north-eastern Kharkiv locale.

Cherkasy Tyshky, Ruski Tyshky, Rubizhne and Bayrak were completely grabbed back from Russia, Ukraine’s military said. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Ukrainian triumphs were continuously pushing Russian powers out of Kharkiv, which has been assaulted since the conflict started.

Yet, he said Ukrainians “shouldn’t make a climate of over the top moral tension, where triumphs are normal week after week and, surprisingly, day to day”.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian port of Odesa was battered Monday as Russian powers sent off rocket assaults – including hypersonic rockets – to check its greatest energetic occasion – Victory Day. Ukraine military said seven rockets – three of which were hypersonic rockets – had been terminated at a retail plaza and a distribution center. One individual has kicked the bucket and five have been injured, AFP detailed.

The hypersonic rockets utilized were the feared Kinzhal, or ‘blade’ air-to-surface rocket previously utilized in this contention in March to obliterate an ammo store in western Ukraine.






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