Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeTelanganaSupreme Court orders Telangana govt to pay Telugu Academy pending arrears

Supreme Court orders Telangana govt to pay Telugu Academy pending arrears

As a result of the Telugu Academy bifurcation issue, Telangana has faced backlash in the Supreme Court. Telangana’s government was ordered to pay Rs 33 crore in arrears to the Telugu Academy on Friday along with interest.

As part of the Telugu Academy bifurcation case in the Apex Court, the bench allowed Telangana to withdraw its petition. The Telangana government has so far paid Rs 92.94 crore, it said. According to the court, however, the government must pay six per cent interest on the total amount.

A month’s time has been given by the Supreme Court to implement the orders issued by the High Court in January 2021 about the bifurcation of its assets and funds. This was upheld by the Supreme Court.

According to the Supreme Court, the High Court’s orders on the distribution of assets and funds would be effective.

ALSO READ: Manikonda Jagir land dispute: Telangana Govt Relieved by Supreme Court Judgement

Cancellation of ration cards

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court questioned the Telangana government for cancelling around 19 lakh ration cards.

The top court directed the Telangana government to verify all ration cards that it cancelled based on the notification issued by the central government in 2016.

Additionally, the court has asked the Chief Secretary of the state to file an affidavit with the court and provide information on the steps taken before the cancellation of the ration cards in the state.

A plea was being heard by the top court from activist SQ Masood against the Telangana High Court’s order which dismissed the cancellation of around 19 lakh ration cards in the state.

According to senior advocate Colin Gonsalves, who appeared on behalf of the petitioner, the ration cards of 19 lakh people were cancelled without assigning any reason and without any human intervention. Further, he stated that the ration cards were cancelled using computer algorithms.

The top court questioned the state about the details obtained before the decision was made.





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