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Taliban To Reopen High Schools For Girls In March

Afghanistan’s Taliban-drove government has declared that secondary schools for young girls, which have stayed shut since the August 2021 takeover of the nation, will resume in March, as indicated by media reports.

Taliban Is Reportedly Making A Protected Framework For Young Girls 

In Afghanistan, the new academic year starts from March which additionally denotes the principal month of the new solar year, reports Khaama Press. In a statement on Sunday, a representative of the Ministry of Education Aziz Ahmad Reyan said the Taliban is submitted and hopeful to resume schools for young girls and that it is working in such manner “truly and eagerly”.

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Reyan asserted the purpose for not permitting young girls to go to classes in secondary schools was on the grounds that the Taliban was making a protected framework for young girls.

“The Taliban approves of young girls’ schooling to that end we have paid the pay rates of female instructors. We will recruit more female educators for young girls,” Khaama Press cited the representative as saying.

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The representative further said that they were dealing with limit working of female educators and need to expand the quantity of these instructors so just girls instruct young girls.

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In the event that female instructors were not accessible in certain areas, then, at that point, just older male educators will be permitted to teach young female students, he added. Young girls were simply permitted to go to classes up to six since the Taliban acquired power on August 15 last year, which drew solid analysis at home and abroad.

The representative’s comments come after the US exceptional delegate to Afghanistan Thomas West told BBC Pashto over the course of the end of the week that Washington and the global-local area plans to pay the pay rates of teachers assuming the Taliban licenses schools for young girls to return, reported local media.





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