Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeIndia'Those who voted against BJP betrayed nation': Gujarat Minister

‘Those who voted against BJP betrayed nation’: Gujarat Minister

Gujarat MoS Cooperative, Salt industry, Printing and Small Scale Industry Jagdish Vishwakarma on Saturday said that people who voted against the BJP in Vadgam constituency in the state Assembly polls “have betrayed the nation”.

Congress leader Jignesh Mevani got elected from Vadgam for the second consecutive time.

Addressing people at his native village Varnawada, which falls in the Vadgam constituency, the minister said:” I thank you for the warm welcome, but all those who have voted against the BJP have betrayed the nation. I would have been more pleased if instead of this warm welcome today, you would have voted for the party.”

“The villagers should understand that development is possible only if the MLA is from the ruling party,” he claimed.

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He even reminded that all villages falling under the Vadgam taluka are connected with good roads, and as far as filling water in the Karmavat lake is concerned, it is a big project. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel is monitoring the project and it is likely to be completed soon, he said.




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