The Kerala Police on Saturday detained two men working at a Plywood factory in Perumbavoor near here after a woman accused them of sexually abusing her three-and-a-half-year-old daughter. The complainant and the accused hail from Assam.
According to the woman, on Friday, her daughter was playing near the plywood factory where her father worked when she was called by the two men and abused sexually. After the doctors who conducted a medical check-up on the little girl found that she had pain in her private parts, the mother informed the local police.
The girl then identified the two people staying in a labor camp near the plywood factory as the abusers, following which the police took them into custody.
Also Read: Ashram owner held for sexually abusing minors
An FIR has been registered under the POCSO Act and the police are questioning the two in custody. Perumbavoor is home to a large number of migrant laborers. Some of them reside with their families.
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