In a disturbing incident at Madhuranagar in Banjara Hills, a 28-year-old woman was brutally beaten by her husband and in-laws allegedly over demands for additional dowry.
The woman, married to Akhil Hussain (42), a car driver residing in Yellareddyguda, has been facing harassment since their marriage four years ago.
At the time of their wedding, the woman’s parents provided four tolas of gold, Rs 2 lakh in cash, and other gifts to the couple. Despite this, the husband’s family allegedly began demanding more money, subjecting her to continuous abuse.
“The woman in her complaint told us that the husband and in-laws were torturing her for additional money. A case was registered and investigation is going on,” said the Madhuranagar police.
This case highlights the ongoing issue of dowry-related violence, prompting further scrutiny and action from law enforcement to protect victims and enforce stricter measures against such practices.
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