Monday, June 3, 2024
HomeIndiaWon't Accept Takeover by Use of Force in Afghanistan: Jaishankar

Won’t Accept Takeover by Use of Force in Afghanistan: Jaishankar

Replying to questions of the members in the Rajya Sabha, Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Thursday said that there must be a negotiated political settlement in Afghanistan and there cannot be a takeover of the war-torn country by use of force.

Replying to a supplementary question asked by Swapan Dasgupta on China talking to the Taliban, Jaishankar said, “There can not be a military solution, there can not be a takeover by use of force in Afghanistan. We will work with the international community to ensure that political negotiations for a settlement are pursued seriously and we would never accept an outcome which is decided by force.” he said.

ALSO READ: Taliban Attack on Afghan City Foiled, 28 Militants Dead

He said there is strong convergence between India and the United States on this issue.

The Minister said that he had a detailed discussion with US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken on the issue of Afghanistan.

Jaishankar had tweeted on Wednesday, “A wide-ranging and productive discussion today with @SecBlinken. Useful in mapping out the next steps in our bilateral partnership. Strong convergence of views on many regional concerns. Agreed to work closely on multilateral and global issues.”