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HomeHyderabadAlmost no aid from the centre for 2020 Hyderabad floods, says KTR

Almost no aid from the centre for 2020 Hyderabad floods, says KTR

Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) KT Rama Rao stated that no aid has been offered by the centre for the mitigation and relief following the Musi river floods that occurred in the city of Hyderabad in October 2020.

In answer to queries raised in the parliament, the minister stated that phase 1 of the government’s flagship Strategic Nala Development Programme (SNDP) aims to expand and regularise the outdated Nala network.

Back then, some big leaders, including union cabinet members, came and visited the flooded areas. We anticipated that they would have some money with them. They arrived, took pictures, expressed their sorrow, and demanded that the state government do this and that. “However, even after 18 months, we haven’t received at least a half-paise assistance from the centre, he explained. However, when floods hit Gujarat, the Prime Minister personally went there and offered Rs 1000 crores in help. This is a travesty, he commented.

ALSO READ:KCR Govt Taking Up Developmental Activities & Welfare Schemes Relentlessly: KTR

KTR also criticised Union Tourism Minister G Kishan Reddy, the MP from Secunderabad, claiming that although representing a portion of the city, Kishan Reddy has no interest in aiding the people of the area by receiving government funding.

We’ve also asked them about funding for the SNDP programme. According to the centre, monies will be distributed through the Amrut initiative, which is open to all cities with a population of more than one lakh people. However, Hyderabad has a population of over a million people. So, given the size of the city, a paltry 100 crore allocation under that scheme won’t even be enough to wipe our tongues,” he remarked, criticising the central government.

The minister also stated that 276 potential places in the city where pure water and sewage can mingle have been identified and that the process of correction is underway. During the previous administration, just 46% of sewerage was treated. However, the government is aiming for 100% sewerage treatment under Hon’ble CM KCR for Hyderabad to become a worldwide city. This project will cost Rs 3866 crores, and all work linked to it will be done by the end of December. 37 sewage treatment plants are being constructed. “Hyderabad will be the first city in the world to have the capacity to treat 2000 mld sewerage,” he asserted.

KTR stated that there were no records on the date and substance of pipes laid during the Nizam’s Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad formation. “We established records for all of these pipeline networks after hiring Shah Consultants, a Pune-based business, to plan the SNDP initiative.” The necessity of replacing or repairing a sewerage pipeline can be understood depending on when and what material was employed for it. The firm mapped the entire stockpile and advised the government to alter a few pipelines immediately as well as a few inline. Not only is the old MCH plotted, but so are the municipalities under the new and larger GHMC. A strategic strategy with a budget of Rs 11000 crores has been implemented, KTR said.







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