Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeIndiaBJP To Launch "Pol Khol Abhiyaan" Against AAP Government; Aims 10L Houses

BJP To Launch “Pol Khol Abhiyaan” Against AAP Government; Aims 10L Houses

In the latest updates, with an aim to contact 10 lakh houses in the national capital, the Delhi BJP is to begin a 15-day long door-to-door mission to feature the misgovernance of the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government.

The mission ‘Pol Khol Abhiyan’ against the Kejriwal government will be declared on Wednesday at an authoritative meeting of more than 5,000 workers at Talkatora arena at night.

“We have chosen to contact 10 lakh houses in the city to make sense of for individuals about how the city has been misruled over the most recent seven years under Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-drove AAP government,” a party insider said.

Party national VP and state in-control Baijayant Jay Panda and Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta will send off the ‘Pol Khol Abhiyan’. Another party insider said that the BJP members will hit the ground from May 15 and an objective to visit 10 lakh houses by May 31 has been set.

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The Delhi BJP is additionally to deliver a handout featuring the disappointment of the Kejriwal government. “Party members will disseminate these to 10 lakh houses during the house to house crusade,” a party functionary said.

Last week in a meeting with the party chiefs from the national capital, the BJP boss J.P. Nadda hosted asked the get-together pioneers to heighten assaults on the AAP government.

“Nadda ji proposed that disappointment and mismanagement or misgovernance of the Kejriwal-drove AAP government should be featured,” sources had said.

The meet at Talkatora arena will be gone to by the square level office-carriers to the state chiefs. A party initiative said the guide for future authoritative exercises will be examined and works will be alloted with a cutoff time to accomplish them. The saffron party has proactively begun a 45-day physical verification drive of its corner board of trustees individuals.





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