In a bid for social media fame, a 20-year-old “Spiderman” in Delhi has landed himself in trouble after a dangerous stunt went viral. The individual was caught sitting on the bonnet of a moving car while filming videos, resulting in a hefty fine of Rs 26,000 for dangerous driving and other violations.
The incident unfolded when a complaint was lodged on social media platform X about a Scorpio car on Dwarka Road with a Spiderman impersonator on its bonnet. Police traced the vehicle to Ramphal Chowk in Dwarka, where they identified the Spiderman as Aditya, a Najafgarh resident. The car’s driver was 19-year-old Gaurav Singh from Mahavir Enclave.
This is not Aditya’s first encounter with the law. He was previously arrested for performing stunts on a motorcycle without a number plate or mirrors in South West Delhi’s Dwarka. After the video went viral, the traffic police arrested him and a female accomplice dressed as Spiderwoman, issuing a challan under the Motor Vehicle Act.
Also Read: Dangerous stunts on Delhi roads: Cops seize SUV, driver still at large
Instead of showing remorse, Aditya, who dubs himself the “Najafgarh Spiderman,” embraces his notoriety. He frequently dons his superhero outfit and posts videos of his stunts on his Instagram account, Indian Spidey Official, which has over 12,500 followers. His bio reads, “Your Friendly Neighbourhood Indian Spidey,” and his videos, showcasing activities from playing badminton to dancing on trending songs, often receive over 100,000 likes.
The car owner and driver face prosecution for dangerous driving, lacking a pollution certificate, and not wearing seat belts, with potential fines of up to Rs 6,000, imprisonment, or both.
A senior police officer emphasized, “The Delhi Traffic Police reiterates its commitment to ensuring road safety for all citizens. Such reckless behavior on the roads will not be tolerated, and strict action will be taken against offenders to uphold the law and protect the lives of road users.”
This incident highlights the dangerous lengths individuals will go to for social media fame and serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of such reckless actions.
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