The India Meteorological Department (IMD) Hyderabad has forecasted continued rainfall in the city, predicting rain or thundershowers until September 6. This prediction follows a period of heavy rainfall that has already caused significant flooding in several districts across Telangana.
In light of the ongoing weather conditions, the IMD has issued a yellow alert for today and tomorrow, warning of possible thunderstorms, lightning, squalls, and other severe weather conditions across various districts in the state. The yellow alert indicates that residents should be aware of the potential for dangerous weather and take necessary precautions.
The current Southwest monsoon season has brought exceptionally high rainfall to Telangana, with the state recording an average of 815.8 mm of rain—38 percent above the normal average of 592.5 mm. This excess rainfall has resulted in widespread flooding, particularly in low-lying areas and districts more vulnerable to heavy downpours.
Also Read: Heavy rain alert in 11 districts of Telangana
Hyderabad, the state’s capital, has also experienced significant rainfall, recording 618 mm so far this monsoon season. This figure is 30 percent higher than the normal average of 476.2 mm. The city’s rainfall data highlights Khairatabad as the area with the highest deviation from normal, with 736.5 mm of rainfall recorded—49 percent above the usual 493.6 mm.
With the IMD predicting additional rain over the next four days, the amount of rainfall recorded during this monsoon season is likely to increase further. The continued rains may exacerbate the flooding situation in some areas, and residents are advised to stay informed about weather updates and take precautions to ensure their safety.
Local authorities are closely monitoring the situation, and emergency services are on standby to respond to any weather-related incidents. The government has urged citizens to avoid unnecessary travel, particularly in areas prone to flooding and waterlogging.
As the state braces for more rainfall, the IMD’s yellow alert serves as a reminder for residents to remain vigilant. The forecasted thunderstorms and severe weather conditions could lead to disruptions in daily life, including transportation delays and power outages.
Citizens are encouraged to keep an eye on weather reports, follow advisories from local authorities, and take appropriate measures to protect themselves and their property during this period of intense rainfall.
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