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HomeTelanganaSix new judges have been appointed to the Telangana High Court

Six new judges have been appointed to the Telangana High Court

Six new judges have been appointed to the Telangana High Court by the Centre on Friday.

In accordance with reports, Enugula Venkata Venugopal, Nagesh Bhimapaka, Pulla Karthik, Kaja Sarath, J. Srinivasa Rao, and Namavarapu Rajeswara Rao will be sworn in as judges by Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan on Tuesday.

The Telangana High Court was constituted on 1st January 2019 as a separate State High Court. At present, there are 28 judges in the High Court. The sanctioned strength of the court is 42. As a result of the latest appointment of six, that number has risen to 34.

Additional judges Srinivas Rao and Rajeswara Rao have been appointed for two years each. In the last year, 24 judges have been appointed to the Telangana High Court. 6 High Courts across the country have appointed 26 judges as a result of the latest orders. During the year, 127 judges were appointed in the country.

ALSO READ: PIL regarding household survey dismissed by Telangana High Court

High Court junks ITC petition on luxury tax

The Telangana High Court junked an ITC petition challenging the state government’s demand to remit collecting luxury tax on cigarettes.

However, a bench of Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan and Justice S Nanda left the decision to the commercial tax authorities in Visakhapatnam and Warangal. It should be noted that the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that imposing a luxury tax on cigarettes was unconstitutional.

Following the Supreme Court decision, the ITC’s tax collection over the previous five years became a point of contention. According to the company, it did not collect the luxury tax. However, Telangana Income Tax officials claimed that the company collected tax despite the fact that it was not required to do so.

In Andhra Pradesh, tax officials served ITC with a notice demanding that it pay Rs 63 crore illegally collected as a luxury tax. The bench also stated that it would not hear any further petitions from the ITC because the matter was beyond its jurisdiction.


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